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Q: What was the name of Chi Minh City before the Vietnam war?
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What was the name of the city Ho Chi Minh before the Vietnam war?


What was the old name of ho chi minh city?

The South Vietnamese capital Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh city in honour of him.

What is the former name of no chi Minh city?

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was formally known as Saigon.

What is Saigon?

here is the answer: "Saigon" is the former name of Ho Chi Minh City, and is the largest city in Vietnam. At one time the largest city in Asia, "Saigon" was the capital of South Vietnam from 1954 to 1976. In 1976, after the reunification of the North Vietnam and the South Vietnam, the name "Saigon" was changed to Ho Chi Minh city. "Ho Chi Minh" is the name of a Vietnam's great hero.

What was the name of the capital of South Vietnam changed to?

Ho Chi Minh city

What was the capital of south Vietnam what is the citys current name?

saigon ........... ho chi minh city

What was the Fomer name of Ho Chi Minh City?

It was Sai Gon City before being Ho chi minh City

What is the capital of the southern of Vietnam?

The capital of South Vietnam, officially the Republic of Vietnam, was Saigon until South Vietnam was overrun by communist forces in 1975. The city has since been known as Ho Chi Minh City.

Saigon used to be the capital city of vietnam what is the name of the city today?

Saigon was the capital of the Republic of Vietnam, or "South Vietnam." It is now Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi was the capital of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or "North Vietnam." It is now the capital of the whole nation.

What was the name of the capital city that fell in 1975?

Saigon, South Vietnam, fell in 1975. Saigon is now called Ho Chi Minh City.

What was the name of the city where the Vietnam war ended?

Saigon, but it became Ho Chi Minh City when the communists took it over and hence the war ended.

Is hoi chin min city north or south Vietnam?

South Vietnam; Ho Chi Minh city must be the conqueror's new name for the old Saigon. Saigon was the capital of RVN during the war (Republic of South Vietnam). RVN no longer exists of course. Neither. Since April 30, 1975, there has been no North or South Viet Nam: just Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City is in Vietnam.