In many cases the goal is financial gains, usually from natural resources that can be harnessed. In other cases (such as the American pilgrims) it is to escape religious persecution, but throughout most of history the main reason for colonization is to make money.
The Massachusetts colony thing
William Penn founded the Pennsylvania colony to present freedom to a group known as theQuakers.
A charter colony is a colony that was started with a charter. A charter is permission from the King or Queen to start a colony.
he did but it was unsuccessful and most people of the colony died
France started a colony in Canada in the early 1400's.
The Pilgrims in 1620. They had tried to find a home in the Netherlands after leaving England and then they took the Mayflower to Mass to start a colony.
The Pilgrims in 1620. They had tried to find a home in the Netherlands after leaving England and then they took the Mayflower to Mass to start a colony.
Type your answer here....
Motive is a synonym for motivation. It begins with M.
Motivation. Motility.
It was an English Colony.
The Massachusetts colony thing
They were allowed to start the colony because the Indians had made reservations.
William Penn founded the Pennsylvania colony to present freedom to a group known as theQuakers.
A charter colony is a colony that was started with a charter. A charter is permission from the King or Queen to start a colony.
The Mass. Bay Colony began in 1628.
Today, that's always a former colony. Angola is one that starts with an A; it used to be a Portuguese colony.