Yes when viking longships killed another longship they were burned and buried 10 ft under the ground
Their husband were gone viking most of the time.
Viking nobles were often called karls, or earls.
The Viking longboats were long, open boats that had many sets of oars used to row the ships close to shore, or in calm winds. They used large square sails for long voyages.
Where was the most important coin producing centre in Britain in Viking times
A horn.
Berserkers were among the most feared of all Viking warriors. They were believed to have used herbal drugs to enhance their state of mind for battle.
Thor was not a Viking. He was a god of the Vikings.
Their husband were gone viking most of the time.
The punishment for murder in Brazil should ideally be capital punishment. However, this form of punishment is hardly used and most people get life imprisonment of long jail sentences depending on the degree.
what was the stern used for
Viking nobles were often called karls, or earls.
what wepons was used for corpral punishment
The vikings had several types of boats that had different designs. The design of the boat is based on what the boat was used for. The most popular and most depicted viking ship was the longship. These vessels were meant to carry troops across the ocean.
Not much. The Viking influence was most felt in northern England whereas the English we speak today is the English of southern England. The dialects of Yorkshire and Northumberland use many Viking words not used in the south such as fell (hill) , beck (brook). The name of York itself is from the Viking word Yorvik.
The Viking longboats were long, open boats that had many sets of oars used to row the ships close to shore, or in calm winds. They used large square sails for long voyages.