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Q: What was the most significant invention in the last 1000 years?
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Who has invaded Britain in the last 1000 years?

no one has invaded in the last 1000 years

What is the most important invention made within the last 100 years?

what is the most important invention in the last 100 years?they r life savers :D

What is the greatest invention in the last 100 years?


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Nazi name for their government last 1000 years?

The Nazi name that they had for a government that was to last 1000 years was Reich.

Why did time magazine call the printing press the greatest invention of the last 1000 years?

Time magazine called the printing press the greatest invention of the last 1000 years because it revolutionized the way information was shared and disseminated, leading to the spread of knowledge and ideas on a mass scale. The printing press played a crucial role in the advancement of literacy, education, and communication throughout history.

What is considered to be the greatest invention of the last 20 years?

The Internet

What is the worst invention in the last 200 years?

The worst invention in the past 200 years will vary depending on who you ask. Many people think that the worst invention is the car and others think that it is the Internet.

What are the most invention of the last 200 years?

One of the most important invention of the last 200 years is the electric light bulb. Also included in the list are the airplane, microwave oven, and personal computer.

What will last 1000 years that is in your house?


Is the car the best invention over the last one hundred years?


How long will Hoover Dam last?

1000 years