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Q: What was the most significant factor in helping the cause of Native Americans?
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Why were Native Americans granted sovereignty?

To assimilate Native Americans to white culture. Dawes Act was also a factor.

Was a major factor in the lifestyle of the Native Americans?

The most major factor in the lifestyle of the Native Americans was the land they lived on. The climate also played a large role in how they dressed and what they could grow.

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The motivating factor of Jacksonianism with Native Americans was the uncertain policy agenda. When the campaign was going on Jackson changed the bureaucracy.

The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact with Europeans was?


What was a major factor in the lifestyle of the Native Americans?

To:1 eat2 kill3 eat4. kill

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Native Americans provided a good labor source for the Spanish.

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Which was the biggest factor in spanish victory over native Americans?

The diseases the Spaniards carried were responsible for killing the vast majority of the native population

How did food sources for Native Americans from the Native Americans and northwest differ from those of Native Americans living in the west and southwest?

The environment and what could grow our survive their would have been a factor. Some natives lived in settlements and others were more migratory in respect to game animals.

What saved the first Americans but eventually killed more Americans than any one thing?

The introduction of European diseases, such as smallpox, saved the first Americans from European conquests as they lacked immunity to these diseases. However, over time, these diseases spread throughout the Americas and caused significant devastation, killing more Native Americans than any other single factor.

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What was the single greatest factor in destruction of the native Americans?

Naivety. Trusting Caucasians, and thinking they were exactly like them in their customs and the treatment of the earth