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It is difficult to answer this questions as the term "powerful" is ambiguous. Furthemore, many eastern civilizations have not been researched well enough and may have been more "powerful" than originally assumed. However, in terms of military power, it is generally accepted that ancient Rome reach a level of military tactics and proweness far greated than anything else at the time. It's military tradition is said to be partly based on Macedonian and Spartan military traditions originating in the Hellenic world. In terms of science, the civilization which has most contributed overall to modern science, engineering and medicine, is Ancient Greece. This should not undermine the amazing advancements of other civilizations such as Ancient China, Egypt, Phoenicians etc.

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12y ago

Oldest known is Lemuria.

Lemuria is the oldest civilization in the world. According to various esoteric sources, civilization first appeared 78,000 years ago in the giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52,000 years. It is sometimes said to be the oldest civilization has been destroyed in earthquakes generated by a pole shift which occurred some 26,000 years ago, or about 24,000 BC. Lemuria is the oldest civilization.

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The Ancient Hellenic (Greek) civilizations. They gave us the ideas of a republic and governance as well as learning and philosophy. They laid the foundations of modern science and gave birth to modern maths, logic, and the concept of a mathematic proof. However the Greek civilization is said to have been greatly influenced in the beginning by ancient Egypt. If we are looking at inventions many other civilizations have contributed such as Ancient China who gave us paper, gunpowder and many other. Mesopotamia gave us the wheel. It is difficult to say that one civilization was the most influential because most of them are interrelated. However it is generally accepted that Ancient Greece experienced a "Golden Age" during which extraordinary advancements where made in all the main aspects of modern civilization.

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Rome it was Mesopotamia for hundreds of years

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In the wet, Rome. In the east, China.

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Q: What was the most powerful ancient civilization in mesopotamia?
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