The Plague was the most deadly because it could kill people within days of them contracting the disease.
Most people farmed in the colonial times in New Jersey. Others worked in towns.
In colonial times, most girls did not go to school in the sense we use today, and received no grades.
They had beds just like we do.
mrsa is the most unknown and deadly disease
The Ebola virus is the current most deadly disease.
the top eight deadly diseases are:-CancerAIDSStrokeTetanusMeaslesDiarrheaPneumoniaHeart disease
Cholera is the most deadly disease you can get from drinking unsafe water.
The plague.
Some people may think that HIV or AIDS is the most deadly disease. However, Ischemic Heart Disease is the most deadly. This leads to death frequently and happens to 1% of the population.
The Plague was the most deadly because it could kill people within days of them contracting the disease.
Muscular dystrophy is very slow, very deadly and can be painful.
Typo!: you wrote 'word' instead of 'world'.
pretty sure its either malaria or aids