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Q: What was the median income for wealthy people in the 1940's?
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Average Incomes of people in the 1940s?

According to the US Census Bureau, the average income of people in the 1940s was $1,725 per year. That breaks down to $145 per month and $33 per week.

What was the price of bread in the 1940s?

The average price of bread in 1940 was eight cents per loaf. Contrasting this, the minimum wage was 30 cents per hour and the median annual income was $1900.

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What food did people eat in the 1940s?

In the 1940's the food they ate was very poor unless you were wealthy. The most common food ate for poor families was bread because it kept longer than most food.

Was Artie Shaw rich?

He was one of the most popular bandleaders of the 1930s and 1940s, and went on to become a producer and author, all of which made him extremely wealthy.

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Population in 1930s-1940s?

In the 1930s there were about 131,000,000 people living in the United States. In the 1940s this number increased to about 134,000,000.

What did people listen to records on in the 1940s?

Music - stupid!

How did people go from NY to London in the 1940s?


What was owning a dog like in the 1930s-1940s Could you take your dog on walks in public Did you have to be wealthy to own one?

Anyone could own a dog. No, you did not have to be wealthy. Almost every poor family had a dog or cat. You could take your dog anywhere.

Could people in the 1940s bleach their hair?

Yes, they could