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Persia provided The Spartan league with the money to build a war fleet which could outmatch the hitherto superior Athenian fleet.

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Q: What was the major reason for the Sparta victory over Athens?
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What were two main city states of Greece?

The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.

What are the major city-states in ancient Greece between 800 BCE and 500 CE?

Corinth, Sparta, Thebes, Athens etc etc.

What were the major factors that provoked the Peloponnesian War?

Athens led the anti-Persian league of a couple of hundred Greek city-states - the Delian League - levying financial contributions to maintain the fleet it provided as its core. After peace was arranged with the Persian Empire, Athens continued the levy, by force if necessary, and spent the money on itself, creating an empire of its own. It used its power and money to interfere in the affairs of Greek cites outside its empire, and so came into collision with the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. This war spread well beyond mainland Greece to Asia Minor in the east and Sicily in the west, which stopped an early resolution as Sparta had expected. It came to an end when Persia got back at Athens by financing a Peloponnesian fleet to match Athens' fleet, which was defeated, and Athens, isolated and starving had to surrender. Athens was stripped of it's empire and thereafter became a second rate power.

What are a list of of ancient Greek city states?

While there were nearly two thousand Greek states and several Greek colonies through out the ancient world, there was a list of major Greek city-states which included; Athens, Argos, Chalcis, Corinth, Eritrea, Epirus, Macedonia, Massalia, Sparta, Syracuse, and Thebes.

Which city-state is a still a major city in Greece today?

Most of the cities of Ancient Greece, like Sparta, Thebes, Mycenae, Megara, Corinth, Delphi, Athens, Argos, Epidaurus, and Pylos are still within the borders of modern Greece. However, of these, only ATHENS is still inhabited and is not just an archaeological ruin.

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What was the major reason for Sparta's victory over Athens?

Persia provided The Spartan league with the money to build a war fleet which could outmatch the hitherto superior Athenian fleet.

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the answer is athens and sparta

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Athens cooperated with Sparta. Sparta assisted Athens to establish its independence after its tyrants were expelled, Athens provided major contingents as one of the cities led by Sparta resisting the Persian invasion. Athens assisted Sparta to put down an internal rebellion, but thereafter they fell out and became adversaries.

Greece's 3 major cities?

Athens, Sparta, and Olympia.

What are the two major cities in Ancient Greece?

Athens and Sparta.

What were the two most powerful city-states in early Greece?

Athens, Thebes, and Sparta were the three most powerful Greek City-States.

What were two main city states of Greece?

The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.The Greeks never had an empire, they were a collection of city-states, each with its own interests. There were actually three major city-states or cities that were important in ancient Greece. They were Athens, Sparta and Corinth.

Life in Sparta was different from life in Athens because Sparta had?

Sparta had a major focus on military power and physical fitnessSparta had the best soldiers in the world dedicated to fightingAthens had soldiers only in times of war that were only temporary soldiers.

What major cities did the geek have along the sea coast?

Byzantium, Troy, Phaselis, Athens, Corinth, Tiryns, Mycenane, Sparta, Corcyra

What were the roles of Anthens and Sparta in the early years of the Persian Wars?

Sparta led the Greek coalition by land and sea. Athens provided the major sea battle contribution, and a significant component in the land battles.

What are the major city-states in ancient Greece between 800 BCE and 500 CE?

Corinth, Sparta, Thebes, Athens etc etc.

Who had the best example of Greek democracy Athens or Sparta?

Sparta and Athens both started with limited democracies - an assembly of the people which voted on major issues and an aristocratic council. Athens then moved to a radical democracy where the adult males met in assembly each fortnight and determined issues, which were implemented by the council. The Athenian assembly was led astray by persuasive orators resulting in their getting involved in he destructive 27-year Peloponnesian War with Sparta and its allies. After it lost the war, Athens reverted to a restricted democracy.