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Q: What was the major cause of Britain's war against china in the mid nineteenth century?
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One cause of women's subordination in nineteenth century America was the prevailing belief in the "separate spheres" ideology, which assigned women to the domestic sphere while men worked in the public sphere. This ideology limited women's opportunities for education, employment, and participation in public life.

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It began with the Grito de Dolores as a demand for Independence from Spanish rule.

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The cause was the Great Irish Potato Famine, a staple of the Irish diet.See related link below!

How far can the nineteenth century be described as an incubatory period for fascism?

One of the key features of fascism is nationalism. Nationalism were part of fabric of many 19th century nations. In that respect, the efforts of Napoleon, as an example, was the personification of French nationalism. In terms of that, it can be said that the 19th century was a cause of the fascism in the 20th century.

What was the basic cause of the American Revolution?

britains disicion to tighten its control over the thirteen colonies.

What is the primary cause of Britains failure in the south?

The south of Britain is perhaps its most successful region.

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The French would promise to help the Americans fight against the Britains mainly because they didn't like them so they promise the Americans they would send money and aid them with the support of the French Navy. Shauntavia Brooks

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Infectious disease was the leading cause of death prior to the 20th century !:]

Why is the 19th century the 1800s and 18th century 1700s and so on?

cause its stupid.

What religions did crusaders fight over?

The actual crusaders of the 11th century fought for the cause of Christianity. They battled against the Islamic warriors that guarded Jerusalem and other holy lands of Christ.