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General in Chief US Grant believed his Overland campaign in the Spring of 1864 would bring an end to the conflict by November of that same year. Strong resistance by Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia would prolong the war in to the Spring of the following year. The inability to win any major battles that would cripple Lee in the Overland campaign ended with the Union defeat at Cold Harbor.With Union General Butler's failure to make any noteworthy progress against General Beauregard in eastern Virginia, Grant had no choice but to settle in for a long siege at Petersburg.

The serious risk that faced Grant was that his strategy of attrition or as some historians label "exhaustion" takes time and time was not what General grant had in mind. The greatest risk in Grant's new strategy in Virginia was a political one. As military theorist Carl Von Clausewitz had written, unless a nation's populace sees clear victories, the risk of losing public support increases.

The Northern public would tolerate a large number of Union casualties provided it could see genuine progress. In this case, the progress in Virginia was not forthcoming.

President Lincoln, the press and the general public had great expectations when Grant took over as general in chief and decided to face Lee in Virginia. A long siege was not expected and for many observers, such an action had a negative effect on the North.

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Q: What was the main risk in General US Grant's strategy against General Lee in 1864?
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