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Manhattan was bought by Peter Minuet, who was a Hugenot. The Hugenots and Reformed Protestants made up the major religious sect, as it was in the Dutch homeland. Governor Stuyvesant tried to restrict most other religions.

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14y ago

there was actually no religion that the colonial New York had, but when the Europeans came, they brought their religion "Christian"

AnswerThere was no religion in the New York colony. Religious toleration was very rapid there. In fact, there was 18 different languages spoken there and it is said to have the first Jewish synagogue of the thirteen colonies and the Americas. AnswerCatholics Protestants Lutherans Jews Quakers Separatists Puritans and many Native American religions Answer"Tolerance" in dutch New Amsterdam was not as quick and easy as other posters would suggest. While many religions were practiced in what was, from the beginning, a very diverse community, there was an "official" religion, Dutch Reformed. The first congregation was what is now the Marble Collegiate Church (now further uptown at Fifth Ave. & 29th St.) founded in 1628. Despite this, the most prevalent religious identity in New Amsterdam was NOT Dutch Reformed, but rather French Huguenot (about a fifth of the population). But there were many others, even a lone Muslim (though whether he practiced his religion actively is not known).

No other religion was officially recognized until the "Flushing Remonstrance" signed by Peter Stuyvesant in what is now Queens, which recognized the right of Quakers (and, by extension, all others) to worship. This was NOT Stuyvesant's idea; if he could have, he would have ejected ALL non-Dutch Reformed colonists. When the first Jews (The "Recife Jews") arrived, Stuyvesant's first impulse was to deport them. He was overruled on this, and the first synagogue (it was Sephardic, BTW, not Ashkenazic) was formed (it exists now as Temple Shearith Israel at CPW & 70th St.) But the Dutch needed colonists more than they needed to secure their own religion.

The subsequent English colony of New York was even less tolerant. While it had a number of churches, Trinity Church had official status, and was given every advantage over other churches. Also, following the English Civil War, Roman Catholicism was out-and-out BANNED in colonial New York. Worshipers had to wait for a Jesuit spy to arrive (He was Ferdinand Steinmeyer, though on his trips to New York, he was known 'Mr. Farmer') to hold masses in secret in an attic on Wall Street. Catholicism was only legalized in the wake of the American revolution, the first congregation (St. Peter's, still at Church St. & Barclay St.) forming in 1785. Only at that point can New York be said to be truly tolerant of all religions.

AnswerI think that because most settlers from England were attracted by the great chance New Amsterdam offered to practice their religion freely, there were probably many different religions there. Although there were more Dutch Protestants in New Amsterdam, there were also Catholics, French protestant,and even Jews to buy land and start and new life. AnswerThe religions included Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Judaism, Quakers, Separatists, many Native American religions, and Puritans as well. AnswerThe religion of New York's population in the 1700s is not much different than it is today. Unlike cities such as Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia, which were settled in part by people looking to practice their faith freely, the colony of New Amsterdam (as New York was known) was settled for the purpose of trade and business. The colony was not so much a city or a settlement as it was the property and responsibility of the Dutch West India Company. By the mid 17th century people of all different faiths lived and worked in the colony, however, there were more banks and salons than there were housed of worship. One of the faiths in the colony was Quakers, which the local authorities persecuted. The Dutch Governor at the time, Peter Stuyvesant had issued an edict forbidding anyone in the colony from holding a Quaker meeting in their home. A Quaker John Bowne defied the order and refused to pay the fine so he was banished from the colony. Later, when Bowne appealed his case in Holland to the Dutch West India Company, a rebuke was sent to Stuyvesant: "The consciences of men at least ought ever to remain free and unshackled." By 1700 the Dutch had left the port and the English became the new landlords, changing the name to New York and establishing Anglicanism as the official religion of the colony. This changed very little the religious make up of the people living there at the time mostly because the English were using the colony for the same reason the Dutch were, to make money. AnswerManhattan was bought by Peter Minuet, who was a Huguenot. The Huguenots and Reformed Protestants made up the major religious sect, as it was in the Dutch homeland. Governor Stuyvesant tried to restrict most other religions.
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13y ago

The Episcopal Church had the most members since most New Yorkers were English either by birth or whose ancesters came from. The other large Christian group were the Congregationalists. After the Revolutionary War, the Methodists

overtook the Episcopal Church and others and experienced rapid growth.

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13y ago

The answer is....well....I dont think its free religion because it was not one of the colonies that had free religion, my best guess is Christianity or Catholic Religion

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