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to let the slaves know what they could and couldn't do

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Q: What was the main reason to write slave codes?
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What are some main elements of the slave codes?

Some main elements of slave codes include restrictions on movement, prohibitions against learning to read and write, limitations on property ownership, and harsh punishments for disobedience or rebellion. These laws were intended to control and oppress enslaved individuals, ensuring their subjugation and exploitation by slaveowners.

What was the main reason for the growth in the slave trade?

For workers the people didn't have to pay.

How did slavers get slaves From whom were the gathered What was the main reason for the growth of the slave trade Where and why was the a need for slaves?

slave were needed for work so the kings didn't have to doit

What are the main elements of the slave codes?

It prevented African captives from owning property, receiving an education, moving about freely, or meeting in large groups.

Was shakespeare's main reason to write plays was to make money?

Yes. It was his job.

Why would a slave not leave a plantation?

One of the main reasons a slave would not leave a plantation because it would have no where to go, another reason is if a slave is found and it had no tag or permission the person could kidnap the slave as it's own or they would sell it off again.

What preserved the balance between the slave states and free states?

There isn't any one main reason that the balance between the slave states and free states lasted as long as it did. The main reason of many is that they were both sides were profitting from it in different ways, and there were many different compromises that started around the same time as our Constitution was written that the South would be able to rule over the slave trade.

What do you call a newly freed slave?

A slave who was just saved from slavery. <--- That is not right They called them " Freedmen". Then the Freedmen's Bureau is was basically the newly freed slaves government. They developed the Black codes that had 3 Main purposes for former slaves.

What was the main reason for the women's march in october 1789?

i think 2 get the write 2 vote.

Why did the southern states oppose californias statehood?

They came for gold Not to mention that the main reason was because the Union wasn't sure whether California would enter as a slave state or not. The northerners wanted California to be free, the southerners wanted California to bee slave.

Why did it take so long to abolish the slave trade in East Africa?

There are many reasons why it took so long to abolish the slave trade in East Africa. The main reason is that some of the people within the communities were benefiting from slave trade and were therefore slow to react.

Can you use a Cabelas coupon code on their website?

When using coupon codes from the internet make sure that they are current as this is the main reason many of these coupon codes do not work. Cabelas does except coupon codes as long as their current and official from their company.