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Southern Ireland has a Catholic majority, while Great Britain had a Protestant majority. This is also the historic reason that the six counties of Northern Ireland did not become part of the Irish republic, because they have a large Protestant population.

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7y ago
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9y ago

The main reason southern Ireland wanted to be independent from great Britain was religion. The people of Ireland were and are Catholic. At this point in time Great Britain was Protestant and had little tolerance for Catholicism.

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14y ago

Why did the Irish want to be Independant?

Most people want to able to decide or influence their own fates. Choose their own leaders, etc.

I'm assuming the question refers to independence from Britain. The Irish people were oppressed - forbidden from playing our sports, speaking our language, and from being educated. They were treated as second class citizens and so rebelled.

I hope one day to see a united Ireland, free of British rule.

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13y ago

The British were lsoing too much manpower and pouring too much money into a country that detested their presence and finally had the the power and nationalistic backing to attempt a proper war against britian.

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9y ago

The Irish people did not want to break away from the British Isles. The British Isles is a geographical entity. It is a group of islands consisting of the two large islands, Britain and Ireland, and many other much smaller islands. Ireland cannot break away from that.

What the Irish wanted to break away from was British rule. Any country in the world wants its independence. Ireland is no different, so naturally Ireland wanted to break away from British rule.

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Q: What was the main reason the people of southern Ireland desired independence from great Britain?
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What led to the formation of Pakistan?

In 1947, Great Britain divided the Indian subcontinent between the Hindu and Muslim communities. The Muslims received the homeland they desired, which was Pakistan, while the Hindu majority remained India. Both countries then became commonwealths of Great Britain.

Silk was especially desired by which a the Chinese b the Romans c Buddhists d Changan?

The romans desired it because the Chinese had it and they didn't have it

Who commanded the Southern Army during the US Civil War?

For the most part, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was extremely active as the South's commander in chief. This was a bad idea, because Davis had a military background, running both the military and the Confederacy left allot to be desired. He did take strong counsel from Robert E. Lee and finally early in 1865, and too late, Lee was appointed general in chief of Southern forces.

Which problem did Britain face at the end of the french and Indian war?

They suddenly controlled a significantly larger empire. They had taken control of most of Canada and India, but didn't have armies and infrastructure in place to either control or exploit these distant places. In addition to that, the war had been very expensive. The French and Indian War was just a small part of a much larger war- the Seven Years War. In Europe, the Seven Years War saw Britain and Prussia fighting against Russia, France and Austria (there were other smaller countries, but those were the big ones). Prussia did most of the fighting in Europe in Britain's place; in return, Britain not only paid for their side of the war, but also paid most of Prussia's, so Prussia's brilliant king-general, Frederick the Great, could focus on fighting and not worry about bills. So Britain suddenly had to deal with a much larger empire while somehow paying off their debts from war.

What helped cotton become king in the south?

Especially after the War of 1812, cotton became "king" in the American South primarily for two reasons. First, cotton began to "boom" as a much-desired item in European markets. Second, high profits in selling cotton were assured for Southern planters due to their use of slaves as a work-force.

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southern Ireland had a catholic majority, while great Britain had a protestant majority.

. What was the main reason the people of southern Ireland desired independence from Great Britain?

Southern Ireland has a Catholic majority, while Great Britain had a Protestant majority. This is also the historic reason that the six counties of Northern Ireland did not become part of the Irish republic, because they have a large Protestant population.

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