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Q: What was the main reason as to why the pioneers moved west?
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Who were the people traveling west where did they come from what were they like?

The Pioneers Moved west.

What statement illustrates the most important reason pioneers moved west in the post-Civil War era?

seeking better economic life

Why did the pioneers go west?

One of the biggest reasons that pioneers went West is to look for better work. Another reason that pioneers went West was to find better land for farming.

What were some reasons that the pioneers moved west on the Oregon trail?

Bob is Bobalisouis

How did Manifest Destiny effect pioneers?

Manifest destiny moved all of the pioneers west because of the belief that God was telling them that they had a purpose

How was the Mormons view of westward movement different from that of other pioneers?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) moved west in search of religious freedom, while most other pioneers moved west in search of wealth or job opportunities.

What is the name of a vehicle that pioneers used to move west?

The colonials moved West in a covered wagon being pulled by either oxen or horses.

People who moved to the frontier were called what?

homesteaders pioneers Some were homesteaders because they were offered land to settle in the West.

What were the two things most pioneers were looking for as they headed west?

Gold Some others moved there for land from the HomeStead act

What is the term for people who moved west in 19th-century America?

the kind of people that moved west were pioneers.

Why did the pioneers start moving westward across North America?

the pioneers moved west to expand their land

What is the duration of Pioneers of the West?

The duration of Pioneers of the West is 3360.0 seconds.