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Q: What was the main purpose of teaching English in the?
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What are the methodologies in teaching english for specific purpose?

the best method in teaching esp is to involves material aids during teaching

What is the aim of teaching English?

The main aim of teaching English is because of its global acceptability. With English communication becomes easier in almost every developed part of the world. English is also known as Global Communication Language in the corporate world.

What is the definition of teaching English?

teaching english

What is the main teaching of Islam?

The main teaching is to worship Allah (God in English) as the one and only one God and to witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is his prophet and messenger. Refer to related question below.

What was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago?

Teaching of english was a common activity at Hull House in Chicago.

What was the main teaching of prophet Mohammad?

the main teaching prophet was to preach islam

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Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first or main language is not English. This can be done either in the UK or abroad and the students may be learning English for either business or leisure reasons.

What is the difference between tesol and tefl?

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a broader term that includes teaching English to non-native English speakers in English-speaking countries, as well as teaching English to non-English speakers in non-English speaking countries. TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) specifically focuses on teaching English to non-English speakers in countries where English is not the primary language.

Where can i get english teaching training?

The Evergreen State College has an amazing teaching program. You can get your Masters in Teaching, and English is one of the most attended majors there.

What is the main purpose of artices?

It is not possible to answer the question because the word "artices" is not recognised as belonging to the English language.

What is the purpose of tesol classes?

These classes are for teaching you about how to teach english over seas. They need to make sure you can actually speak proper english and teach well before letting you teach over seas.

Definition of teaching aptitude in English?

teaching aptitude means probability of success in teaching.