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Q: What was the main cause of the Russian revolution nova-net?
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What were the causes of the Russian Civil War?

The main cause of the Russian Civil War was the previous Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution was caused by poor treatment of the peasants and factory workers under the rule of Tsar Nicholas II. These poor conditions created two revolutions, one in February and one in October, named after their respective months. When the new government, called the Provisional government, threw out democratic rule and opted for a dictatorship of the proletariot, the Russian Civil War ensued.

Who were the main characters in the Russian revolution?

The main leaders on the side of the Imperial and Provisional governments were Nicholas II, Alexander Kerensky, and Georgy Lvov. The main leaders and commanders on the side of the Bolsheviks, the Petrograd Soviets, and the Leftist Socialists were Vladimir Lenin, Lev Kamenev, and Leon Trosky.

What role did Benjamin Franklin play in relations between France and the US?

1.) Franklin was the main negotiator for the alliance with France. novanet.

What was the main couse of the Russian revolution?

World war one. The Tsar had taken lead of the army with no experience. There was lots of poverty. There was not enough equipment for people in the army. Also there was major civil unrest, just catagorise those into three subjects.

What was the contribution of mensheviks and Bolsheviks to the Russian revolution?

The Mensheviks and Bolsheviks were the main factions in the soviet councils and the main factions involved in the March 1917 overthrow of the czar. The Mensheviks established the Provisional Government which the Bolsheviks wrested power from in the November Revolution.

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Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin were the main characters in the Russian Revolution.

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The main antoagonist is the Russian governemnt/soldiers. The play takes place during the Russian revolution.

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There were two main events in the Russian revolution. The February revolution, that removed Tsar Nicolas II from power, and the October revolution, which overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union.

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While enlightenment was a cause and the beheading.The MAIN reason was the taxes.

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the battle cry of the French Revolution.Novanet answer!

What werethe main causes of the1917 Russian Revolution?

Good history question. I highly recommend the Wikipedia article on the 1917 Russian Revolution. Go to the related links box and head to the article.

What were the causes of the Russian Civil War?

The main cause of the Russian Civil War was the previous Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution was caused by poor treatment of the peasants and factory workers under the rule of Tsar Nicholas II. These poor conditions created two revolutions, one in February and one in October, named after their respective months. When the new government, called the Provisional government, threw out democratic rule and opted for a dictatorship of the proletariot, the Russian Civil War ensued.

Who were the main characters in the Russian revolution?

The main leaders on the side of the Imperial and Provisional governments were Nicholas II, Alexander Kerensky, and Georgy Lvov. The main leaders and commanders on the side of the Bolsheviks, the Petrograd Soviets, and the Leftist Socialists were Vladimir Lenin, Lev Kamenev, and Leon Trosky.

What was the main cause of the texas revolution?

People wanting more land.