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i think wood iron metal and things like that...not sure though

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Q: What was the main building materials used in Baghdad in the middle ages?
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Is the early middle ages under whose reign did the Franks conquer part of Italy?

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What did people sell in the middle ages?

Food, building materials, live stock, artwork, tools, slaves, furniture, Knowledge, chemicals, and many other things.

Why build a tower out of wood in the Middle Ages?

in the middle ages the only building materials was stone and wood that is why they used wood to build towers and for any other reason was to take castles that eventually turn to cities in fact London was surrounded by walls and were quite small until the middle ages were over the other point in consideration is when the middle ages were over there was cannons that could blast through the walls that's why towers were popular built and used in the middle ages history lesson by dasking

What are facts about snowmen?

Building snowmen dates back to the Middle Ages!

When were bells invented?

During the middle ages shortly after the building of cathedrals.

What did a mason do in the Middle Ages?

Someone who did stone work ie building castles

What is a medieval building?

Medieval buildings are buildings that were built during the Middle Ages.

Did they have glitter in the middle ages?

No, glitter as we know it today did not exist in the Middle Ages. The production of glitter requires modern manufacturing techniques and materials, which were not available during that time.

What people build building from the middle ages?

builders of course/workers there were builders in middle ages like know only without vehicles. theybuildedwith there bare hands