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Q: What was the lowest group in spartan society?
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The lowest group in Spartan society was made up of?

The lowest group in Spartan society was made up of helots, who were enslaved agricultural workers owned by the state. They were required to work the land and provide a portion of their produce to the Spartans. Helots had few rights and were subjected to harsh treatment.

What was the most important group in spartan society?

The warrior class.

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Why spartan society change?

It CHanged because the SPartan leader got two chicks pregnant. He didn't know what to do so he bailed and started to be the leader of another group. The society couldn't function without its leader.

What did spartan society expect of spartan women?

By the fault

What did spartan athenian society emphasize the most?

Spartan society emphasized military training, discipline, and physical fitness. Athenian society emphasized democracy, education, philosophy, and the arts.

What was a womans role in Spartan society?

spartan women were expected to remain out of sight and quietly raise childern.

What did the spartan military do when attacking a group?

they farted

Why was Spartan society focused on war?

We assume that Lykourgos, the Spartan law giver had created the Spartan society to be the way it is. However, as it dates that Lykourgos had lived for over 200 years, it is unsure if he is just a myth.

In Spartan society was everyone a warrior?

Sparta grew by taking over territory and converting the inhabitants into serfs who delivered half their produce to the Spartan state. So the society had different levels - the Spartiates, the perioci (livers about - non Spartan landowners) and the serfs. All the Spartan males were warriors, and as they didn't have to farm to support themselves, were able to direct themselves to military training.

What is the lowest taxonomic group in zoology?

Species is the lowest taxonomic group in zoology .

Who dominated spartan society?

The full Spartan citizens decided issues in assembly. The executive group was the council of elders (Gerousia). An executive of five Ephors ran day-to-day decisions. The two kings were war leaders with religious duties, who were members of the Gerousia..