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A lot of people died.

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Q: What was the long -term affects of the Battle of Bull Run?
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its bad

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the long term affects of iwo jima where that the usa had a plane launching base where they could launched bombers at the Japanese mainland this made it possible for the fire raids and eventually the nuclear bombing

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The long term causes of this battle were what happened before the event

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For the Confederates, "On, on to Washington!" For the Union "On, on to Richmond!" It took the First Battle of Bull Run to demonstrate that it would not be that simple, and that it was going to be a long war.

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the long term impact to the war of vimy ridge. the long term affects were greatly abandoned upon lord gefferson the 3rd. The long term affects that were related to Canad was our economy. Our economy dropped hundreds of dollars due to our fallen soldiers.

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What is the long term affects of typhus?

nausea, headaches and death

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Their are no long term affects to marijuana besides the fact that it is addicting. It does however have many short term effects such as red eyes and a strong desire to eat, other than that their are no long term effects when it comes to marijuana besides addiction.

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It depends entirely on how long the choke hold is held. If the individual passes out, there can be long term affects.