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the war was what helped america become independent and become the United States of America.

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It influenced the French to over throw the king and the constitution has influenced government all around the world.

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Q: What was the impact of the American Revolution on world history?
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Why did emerson refer to the battle of concord as the shot heard round the world?

The shots were considered to be the beginning of the American Revolution, and the American Revolution had worldwide impact. The beginning events were "heard around the world" because of the eventual impact of what followed.

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Rise of American capitalistic economy. Assembly lines- mass production. URBANIZATION.

Why were the shots fired at Lexington and concord referred to as the shots fired around the world?

The shots were considered to be the beginning of the American Revolution, and the American Revolution had worldwide impact. The beginning events were "heard around the world" because of the eventual impact of what followed.

How does the qoute The shot heard around the world relate to the impact of the American Revolution?

Because it just does

Does the American Revolution remind you of another war in our nation's history?

the shot heard around the world

Why is the American revolution important in the worlds history?

it gave the world the idea of liberty,equality and fraternity

What impact has the American Revolution have the development of communication?

During the American Revolution there were big developments that were made which had a major impact on communication. Photography opened up the world of people being able to see what was taking place, newspapers were helping to spread media messages to others, and telegraph machines allowed for communication from various points with those on the battlefield.

The American revolution has been important in world history because it?

It was encouraged/influenced later revolutions in other parts of the world

The American Revolution was important in world history because?

other nations have used the U.S. government as a model

Why have the American people been drawn to all general or world wars since 1688?

why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American