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The answer is Syracuse

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Q: What was the greek city state that the scientist Archimedes was from?
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Archimedes was a native of the Greek city of Syracuse on the island of?


Where was the scientist who leapt out of his bath from?

Archimedes (287-212 BC) was a Greek scientist in the city of Syracuse in Sicily (which fell to Rome and became part of Italy). According to the famous legend, he discovered the theory of displacement when water overflowed as he entered a full bath.

How did Archimedes die and when?

When the Romans attacked Syracuse, the troops were told to take Archimedes alive. As they invaded the city, troops were sent out to raid and find the scientist. As legend has it, when Archimedes was found, he was involved in some task and refused to be interrupted. When the soldier who found him became impatient, he killed Archimedes

Relationship among Greek city-state?

relationship among greek city state

What was another name for a Greek city-state?

Polis is a word. It means Greek city state.

Which Greek city-state was a feared warrior society?

Sparta was a Greek city-state that was a feared warrior society.

Is Crete a city state?

Crete is still a Greek City-State.

What is polis?

Polis is the Greek word for political city-state. The term refers to the political, social and cultural center of the different Greek city-states.

Which city state did Perseus live in?

The Greek city.

How is a polis similar from a city-state?

Polis is a greek word for city-state.

Greek for city state?


What was the Greek warrior city-state?

sparta was a greek city state that had a completely miliatary government and wee raised as warriors from childhood