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Up until the 1850's and 1860's Japan had a political system similar to that of medieval Europe but did not keep this when it made contact with Western governments and later changed to a Democracy as a result of the American occupation of Japan after WWII. Today it has a made special democracy for itself by mixing Japanese and American cultures and ideas


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9y ago

During the interwar years (1919 to 1939), Japan invaded Manchuria, and began hostilities with China, which would continue until the end of World War II. The Japanese invasion signaled the end of the League of Nations. China appealed to the League, and asked for action to be taken against Japan. Several European countries had trade agreements with Japan, and would not support sanctions. As a result, Japan continued to occupy Manchuria, and all faith was lost in the League of Nations.

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A monarchy based on Shintuism where the rich and military classes ruled.

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a good one

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Q: What was the government in Japan like from 1890 to 1910?
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What government does Japan have?

Well, its government is a lot more complicated than ours. First of all, they are a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. Just to let you know, they still have branches and congress like ours. Although, Japan has an emperor, which is like a king or dictator is the only thing that is different. Japan Emperor right now is Emperor Akihito, commonly referred to as the Mikado?

What is the time frame of the short story The Apprentice by Dorothy Canfield Fisher?

The story happened in one day, like an afternoon. As fore time*line* I bet 1890-1910

What was the government like in japan from 1919 to 1939?

Watch the lat samuri

Does Japan have limited or unlimited government?

they have a limited monarchy like UK

How is the US and japan government a like?

USA is a democracy and Japan is a Democratic Monarchy much like England were they have an emporer but his imfluence on politics is relitively minor.

How does the Japan government operate?

shoguns were like the high ranking people in ancient times

What was the government of ancient Japan like?

18th century Japan was time of peace. Samurai warriors turned bureaucrats and Japan still produced military weapons but cost of them was ridiculous.

What is the government of Japan like?

Japan has a national government with legislative, administrative and judicial functions. The nation is divided into 47 prefectures. The prefectural and municipal assembly members are popularly elected for four-year terms.

Like China japan used examinations to hire government officials?

Unlike China, Japan did not use examinations to hire government officials.

What kind of government did japan have?

Japan has the type of government like Canada and Britain which is the parliamentary system. Unlike French and America, they donÕt elect their president directly. The prime minister leads the cabinet of minister of the country.