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i think it was good

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Q: What was the goal of the temperance movement prison reform educational reform and the womens movement?
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What were two aspects of American Society targeted by reformers?

The temperance movement and educational reform were two aspects of American society targeted by reformers.

What has the author Peter T Winskill written?

Peter T. Winskill has written: 'The temperance movement and its workers' -- subject(s): Temperance movement, temperance pledge, Gospel Temperance, liquor reform

What is Not a major reform movement in the early 19th century?

The Farm Reform Movement

What was the name of the campaign in the 1820s to help limit alcohol consumption?

You might be referring to the Temperance Movement or Temperance Reform.

Which reform movement is not matched correctly with the woman who supported it?

temperance - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

What were areas that were calling for reform in the late 19th century?

In the United States especially, there was the temperance movement. Women came in droves to protest the women inequality in America. Some other parts were child labor, abolition and prison reforms.

Reform movements in the US sought to expand democratic ideals?

Yes, the womens rights movement, temperance movement, prison reforms and the perfectionism. Take note that it was taking place while the Second Great Awakening was occurring so there was also plenty of religious reforms as well.

Who was the woman who helped began the movement for prison reform?

Dorthea Dix

What was the temperance movement and what argument did the reformers give to support their position?

The temperance movement was a reform movement that opposed excessive use of alcohol and advocated "temperance," or abstinence from alcohol. The reformers' argument was that men who drank excessively would spend most of their money on alcohol rather than on food for their families. Additionally, these men were usually very abusive.

What was the temperance movement and what arguments did the reformers give to support their position?

The temperance movement was a reform movement that opposed excessive use of alcohol and advocated "temperance," or abstinence from alcohol. The reformers' argument was that men who drank excessively would spend most of their money on alcohol rather than on food for their families. Additionally, these men were usually very abusive.

What purpose was the Womens Christian Temperance Union formed?

It was form to expand the campaign for labor law, prison reform, and suffrage. It was founded in November 1874.

What is the reform movement?

Dorthea Dix advocated for prison reform in the 1800s. She wanted better facilities and treatment, also for asylums.