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To achieve Independence from Britain without bloodshed

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Q: What was the goal of Mohandas Gandhis campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience?
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What was Gandhis whole name?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

What were Mohandas gandhis policies?

To keep the promise.

What is Gandhis Real Name?

Mohandas Karamchand GandhiMahatma

What was gandhis campaign?

salt march

Describe gandhis protest against the salt tax?

It was a campaign of nonviolent protest against the British salt tax in colonial ... against the salt tax continued for almost a year, ending with Gandhi's .

What was gandhis main goal?

His goal was to improve immigrant Indians and Hindus rights and to bring freedom to India in a nonviolent way.

What was Mahatma Gandhis goal of his quest?

Mahatma Gandhi's goal was to secure India's independence from British colonial rule through nonviolent civil disobedience and passive resistance. He sought to achieve social justice, equality, and harmony among different religious and cultural groups in India.

What was the cause of mahat Gandhis death?

mohandas gandhi's death was by assassination. He was killed in a march.

What are the names of all the Gandhis?

Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi Firoz Ghandi Rajiv Ghandi Sanjay Ghandi Maneka Ghandi Varun Ghandi Rahul Ghandi

What was Gandhis life like?

Gandhi lived like a legend. He motivated many lives in his life.

What was Gandhis full name?

Mahatma Ghandi, Mohandes GhandiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi

What were some of Mohandas gandhis goals?

Gandhi wanted everyone to be treated equally,Non violence,He also said love thy neighbour as thyself (treat others how you wish to be treated.)he wanted to free the world!worldwide freedom!ya!go him!