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Zyklon-B easily translated as Cyclone-B. it is not an amusement ride- it is a form of Cyanide and the (assault) model was made without the telltale gas warning odor- required by law in the pesticide model which would give a bad odor so the people would instinctively flee or turn off the valve if accidentally opened in , say a hardware store or shop. Cyclone B was Cyanide gas- the real thing and major Death Agent of the SS in the Concentration camps, Cyclone-A with safety features was a legitimate pesticide in much smaller concentrations.

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Q: What was the gas called that they used for the gas chambers at the concentration camps?
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When did it happen in concentration camps?

Depend on what you mean Labour workings Gas chambers Labour workings was used from 1933-45 Shootings was used in from 1941-1942 Gas chambers was used in from 1942-1945

What were some methods the Nazis used to kill Jews and other people they thought were undesirable?

Gas chambers, concentration camps, and cremation.

What were suana's used for in concentration camps?

There were no saunas in concentration camps.

Did all concentration camps have gas chambers?

Yes there where.. Bur they were never used. In 1945 berlin ordered theresienstadt to exterminate all Jews before the red army libaretes the camp. So Theresianstadt build the chambers.. Fortunatly The red army libareted the camp before the chambers where active..

What camps were used by the Nazis?

Concentration camps.

What was Zyklon B in Auschwitz?

No, the only camps to use ZyklonB were Auschwitz and Majdanek. The other camps, including Trelinka, used carbon monoxide.

What are all the different concentration camps used during World War 2?

Concentration Camps Transit Camps Labour Camps Death Camps Extermination Camps.

What is the solutions to concentration camps?

It depends on what you mean by what was the solution to the camps, if you mean to the American then all they did was liberate them. If you mean to the Germans then the solution "The answer to the Jewish question" as it was called was to build Death Camps. These were where the Germans killed the women and children in gas chambers, and starved them. Another way was to starve them. when they were dead the Germans would burn them in what they called crematorium which were huge ovens used to burn them in mass numbers.

When did the Nazi's build concentration camps?

Concentration camps were built almost immediately after Hitler came to power. used as prisons and labour camps

What were concentration camps and where they found?

concentration camps were places where Jews were kept in the 2nd world war and then the used to get killed there

Who invented concentration camp?

The term Concentration camp was first used by the British in the Boer wars. this was very different form the concentration camps used in Nazi Germany. they were not death camps but camps in which the family of Boer rebels were imprisoned so that they could not aid the rebels. However concentration camps have been used before this (only they were not called concentration camps) they were used by the Spanish in the 1860's even American soldiers used similar camps on Cherokee and other native Americans in the 1830's so this type of military tactic has been around for a long time, but the term is British. Evidently, there are no real differences, but rather there are similarities between the English and the German concentration camps.