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St. Petersburg was founded with the name St. Petersburg. In 1914, when World War I broke out, the name was changed to Petrograd. In 1924, when Vladimir I. Lenin died, it was changed to Leningrad. In 1999, it was returned to its original name, St. Petersburg.

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In World War 2, it was named Leningrad. In World War 1, it was named Petrograd. Before world war 1, it was as originally, St. Petersburg, after Tsar Peter the Great.
In order: St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad, St. Petersburg. Before the founding of the city in its place there was a fortress of Landskrona (less than 1 year), and then with a fortress city Nienshtadt Nienschanz (less than 100 years).

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Q: What was the former name of St Petersburg Russia?
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What are the former names for St. Petersburg Russia?

Petrograd and Leningrad.

What are two former names for St. petersburg russia?

Petrograd and Leningrad

What is the former name of Saint Petersburg?

Saint Petersburg in Russia was known as Petrograd from 1914 to 1924, and then as Leningrad during most of the Communist period from 1924 to 1991.

What is the former name of Leningrad?

St Petersburg .

What was the capital of Russia in World War 2?

It was Moscow. A former capital of Russia was Saint Petersburg, it was left in 1918. During the WW2 the capital was not changed.

What country is St Petersburg in?

St. Petersburg is in Russia.

Where is petersburg city?

St Petersburg is the old and new name of Pertograd in Russia, formerly it was called Leningrad.

Where did St Petersburg get its name?

St. Petersburg, Russia was founded by Tzar Peter the Great in 1703 and was named after St.Peter, the Apostle. St. Petersburg, Florida was named after St. Petersburg, Russia. The name was given by Peter Demens (born Piotr Dementyev) - Russian immigrant turned railway entrepreneur, who brought railway line to Pinellas Peninsula.

What continent is St Petersburg Russia in?

St. Petersburg, Russia is in Europe. It is located in the western part of Russia, near its border with Finland.

Is St. Petersburg in Russia?

Yes. St. Petersburg was made in honor of Peter the Great, one of the rulers of Russia. Yes and no. St. Petersburg (which I guess you are referring to) is in Russia but there is also a city named "St. Petersburg" in Florida, USA.

What are Russia's city's?

St Petersburg

What was St Petersburg's nickname?

St. Petersburg, Russia was dubbed Russia's "window to the west" because of it strtegic location.