Pre-Harappan poetry discovered by Richard Meadows of Harvard University. There is a stone piece with writings found in Karanovo, Bulgaria, that is 6,300 y.o. Yet, there is another stone piece with writings on it, again found in Bulgaria - Gradeshnitsa. It is 6800 y.o. Both are considered to be the oldest writings in Europe and in the World.
The word was first used in the 17th century. It is not known whom the actual person was that first used the word.
the meaning of the word "ojibwe" is not known, but it can also be written as ojibwa or chippewa.
Code of Hammurabi
The word orange originated in Middle England. The first known use of the word orange appeared in the 14th century.
Mesopotamia is the home of the first known written code of law, known as the Code of Hammurabi. It was written around 1754 BC in ancient Babylon.
The word was first used in the 17th century. It is not known whom the actual person was that first used the word.
The first version of a written composition is known as the draft.
the first known story is the epic of Gilgamesh it was believed to be written by a Sumerian -by ERIK F
Code of Hammurabi was the first known written law.
he was the first to circumnavigate the word.
That word is "anonymous."
No, the word "thirty first floor" is not hyphenated.
It is not known for certain who authored the Haggadah.
To tell the Word to the people
It was written in Philadelphia, in a building now known as Independence Hall.