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When the Army estabilished the Women Army Auxiliary Corps in 1942. Nurses had previously served in the army before this, however. Wikipedia has a post with the details, and a link is provided.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the United States, there were some special branches that allowed women during World War 1. It wasn't until the late 1940's that they were allowed to be permanent members of the armed forces.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Women in the military has been around for centuries. In ancient armies there were women, but in the United States the units for women began in WW2. When Pearl Harbor happened there were a few thousand women in the service as nurses, but by the end of the war over 350,000 were in the services as nurses, clerks, drivers, and other jobs not directly involved with combat. The first woman combat pilot was in 1991.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Women were first legally allowed to join the military in WW1, and they joined the U.S. Marines, Army, and Navy. They were primarily used in administrative functions, thus freeing up the men for combat operations.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

I believe in general terms that would be WW2, when women assumed clerical, medical and stores posts in many modern military formations.

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Women have served in the military since 1885. At first they were only allowed to be nurses. During WW1, they filled many other roles, including drivers. Combat ranks opened to women in 1989 and warships allowed women aboard 1991. In 2006, Capt. Nichola Goddard was the first woman killed in active combat.

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When were women allowed into the military?


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First it's the Air Force, Navy, Army, then Marines. Women do a lot more than the public thinks.

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How many women are allowed in the military?

As many that are qualified and want to join.

When can marines retire?

Like all military personnel in the US, they can retire from military service after there first enlistment is over. The standard enlistment is 4 years, but sometimes the first one can be 6 years depending on the branch/career chosen. For the Marines it's generally 4 years. Military Service men and women can re-enlist and if they stay in the Military for 20 years earn a full government pension.