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The first task assigned to the new Union general in chief, Henry W. Halleck was to visit General George B. McClellan at Harrison's Landing and urge him to reinvest his army in another attempt to either capture Richmond, or place it under siege. President Lincoln gave Halleck the authority to relieve McClellan of his dutirs as commander of the Army of the Potomac if he chose to do so.

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Q: What was the first task assigned to General in Chief Henry W Halleck?
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What was the first major decision by general in chief Henry Halleck?

US President Lincoln had promoted General Henry Halleck to be the Union's general in chief. His first major decision was in the Summer of 1862 when he ordered General McClellan to retreat from the Peninsula and return with his army to Washington.

When did Union General Henry W Halleck become the Union general in chief?

With the disaster of the Peninsula campaign still remaining a lingering problem, Lincoln summons General Henry Halleck to Washington DC. On July 23, 1862, Halleck assumes the position of general in chief. He is sent to meet McClellan ans asses the situation at Harrison's Landing.

How did the fall of Vicksburg in the US Civil War effect the strategy of General in Chief Henry W Halleck?

When the siege of Vicksburg ended, General in Chief Henry W. Halleck planned on using the control of the Mississippi River as the base for future operations. Halleck was then in the position to exploit his new advantage with interior lines. He planned on using concentrations first in the West of the Mississippi River then east of it.

Why was appointing General Henry W Halleck to general in chief a mistake in the US Civil War by President Lincoln?

As General In Chief, Henry Wager Halleck did an excellent job in the Western Theater. His promotion was due to his talent as a military strategist. Problems arose because US President Lincoln, Secretary of War, Stanton tried to be military advisors. Halleck has been unduly criticized and could have easily continued.

What prompted President Lincoln to appoint Major General Henry W. Halleck to general in chief in 1862?

Union Major General Henry Wager Halleck had been a successful general in the Western Theater as the war moved into Spring of 1862. Halleck's victories enhanced his already known skills of military strategy and also respected for his publications on war tactics and strategies. The decision Lincoln had to make was to appoint Halleck to be the new general in chief or to be the new secretary of war.Lincoln chose the former job for Halleck. How that might have effected the war is now only a matter of speculation.

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When did US President Lincoln name General Henry Halleck as general in chief?

President Lincoln believed the position of general in chief needed to be restored. With that said, he appointed General Henry Halleck to that position in July of 1862. Lincoln would come to regret that decision.

What was the first major decision by general in chief Henry Halleck?

US President Lincoln had promoted General Henry Halleck to be the Union's general in chief. His first major decision was in the Summer of 1862 when he ordered General McClellan to retreat from the Peninsula and return with his army to Washington.

When did US President Lincoln name Henry W Halleck to become the Union's general in chief?

President Lincoln had left the position of general in chief vacant since he had taken away that title from General George B. McClellan. On July 11, 1862, Lincoln named General Henry W. Halleck to be the Union's new general in chief.

What was the new position of General Henry Halleck when US Grant became general in chief in 1864?

When President Lincoln appointed General US grant to the position of general in chief, it created two new elements in the Union' high command. Grant became the chief of staff to President Lincoln and the former general in chief, Henry W. Halleck became Grant's chief of staff. Halleck was well adapted to this role and operated the army's headquarters efficiently and effectively.

What were the concerns of Union General in Chief Henry W Halleck concerning General Pope?

After Union General in Chief Henry W. Halleck ordered General McClellan to evacuate the Peninsula in July of 1862, and reinforce General Pope, Halleck was concerned about the leadership abilities of the new commander of the army formed under John Pope. Based on Halleck's observations during the Corinth campaign, Pope appeared to have limited abilities as a field commander.

What was Henry halleck role during the civil war?

He was Union General-in-Chief in the middle half of the war.

Who was the commander of the forces in the unions western campaign?

Ulysses S. Grant came after General Henry Halleck. This happened when Halleck was called to Washington to become the new Union general in chief.

Who was the commander of the force in the union western campaign?

Ulysses S. Grant came after General Henry Halleck. This happened when Halleck was called to Washington to become the new Union general in chief.

Who was the commander of the forces in the Union's western campaign?

Ulysses S. Grant came after General Henry Halleck. This happened when Halleck was called to Washington to become the new Union general in chief.

When did US President appoint General Henry W Halleck to be general in chief of Union armies?

US President Lincoln was impressed by General Halleck's performance in the West. He appointed him to be general in chief of all Union military forces on July 11, 1862. The previous general in chief had been General George B. McClellan.

What was the advice of General in Chief Henry W Halleck regarding Union Major General Joseph Hooker?

Both US president Lincoln and General in Chief Henry Wager Halleck were displeased with general Joseph hooker. They believed that Hooker's response to Lee's crossing of the Potomac River was late and unresponsive to the needs of the Union. This required a change and Halleck's choice of General Meade to replace Hooker was in line with President Lincoln's views on the matter.

When did Union General Henry W Halleck become the Union general in chief?

With the disaster of the Peninsula campaign still remaining a lingering problem, Lincoln summons General Henry Halleck to Washington DC. On July 23, 1862, Halleck assumes the position of general in chief. He is sent to meet McClellan ans asses the situation at Harrison's Landing.