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Clarabelle Ernser

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Q: What was the first state to have more blacks than whites?
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Did whites or blacks have more power?


Who is more racist to who whites to blacks or blacks to whites?

Either way you're stereotyping a whole race of people and that's wrong.

Are there more whites than blacks in Utah?


Why do whites think they are more intelligent then blacks?

No. We are equally intelligent

Are Blacks superior and smarter than whites?

No more, but no less.

Are there more blacks than whites in New York City?

No, but there are more blacks and Latinos combined than whites. As of 2009, Latinos make up 27.4% of the total population, and blacks make up 25.2%. By comparison, Caucasians (whites) make up 44.1% of the total population.

How did whites and blacks in South Africa formulate their arguments for or against apartheid?

Cause whites are white they live different and have more money and food and more fancy stuff to build with and blacks are poor

Is there more girls than boys or blacks than whites?

maybe maybe not

What race is more likely to fool around with same sex?

Blacks and Whites

How do the southerners feel about the bureau?

they felt good because there were more blacks then whites

How did he create such a following of both blacks and whites?

This question would be easier to answer with more clarification on who "he" is.


All people have the same number of genes.