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Q: What was the first permanent English settlement in New York?
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What was the first permanent European settlement in NEW York?

The Dutch established a trading post called Fort Nassau on the site of modern Albany in 1614. It did not last though. Their first permanent settlement was Fort Orange, which was also where Albany is today.

Where was the first permanent English settlement in Pennsylvania?

The first settlement was Kalichino Settlement near modern day Philedaphia. No traces remain

What happen to the first English settlement in the New York?

u eat a pizza the new yoka way

What colony is Jamestown in?

Jamestown was a settlement located on Jamestown Island in the Virginia Colony, founded on May 14, 1607. It is the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States.

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Land settlement and English wanted more land in the Americas If you mean New York City, it was founded by the Dutch not the English.

After the English captured the New Netherland colony in 1664 the Swedish settlement came under the control of?

The Swedish settlement came under the control of the English.

Where was the first settlement located in New York?

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What was the city first named new Amsterdam?

The Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam became New York when the English took control in 1664.

Where did the English settle in the new world?

The English first settled in Virginia. Jamestown, Virginia was the first successful settlement and St. George's, Bermuda was the second. They spread to other areas including what would become New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

After the English captured the New Netherland colony in 1664 the Swedish settlement came under the control of who?

The Duke of York New York

Who started building New York's first settlement?

The Dutch in 1614.