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Q: What was the first known dynasty to rule china and what did it achieve?
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The Shang Dynasty was the first known dynasty of Ancient China.

What was the first known civilization china?

The Shang Dynasty was the first known dynasty of Ancient China.

Why was the Han Dynasty known as china's golden age?

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Well the Shang dynasty was the first known civilization in china, so hope that helps. :]

Did Dynasty also called the Manchu dynasty was China's last Dynasty?

The Qing dynasty is also known as the Manchu Dynasty and was China's last dynasty.

What was the name of the first empire?

Well the Shang dynasty was the first known civilization in china, so hope that helps. :]

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The founder of the Qin Dynasty was Qin Shihuang (秦始皇), also known as the first emperor of China.

What was the last ruling of the dynasty of china?

The last ruling dynasty of China was the Qing Dynasty, also known as the Manchu Dynasty, ruling from 1644 to 1912. It was preceded by the Ming Dynasty and followed by the Republic of China. Johnny.C

What was China known as previously?

Before it was called China, it was still called China, lol but the Ruler of that China called themselves "Tsing Dynasty"...Before "Tsing Dynasty", there was "Ming Dynasty"...and there were a lot different dynasties ealier and ealier, Long Long HistoryThe northern region was known as Manchuria and was ruled by the Quing dynasty. Mainland China was occupied byt he Japanese empire as well as parts of Manchuriaq during WW2. Before that it was the Chinese empire.

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The first printing of books started in China and was during the Tang Dynasty circa 618-907, but exactly when and what is not known accuratly

What is true about Li Yuan?

Li Yuan was a Chinese general and the founder of the Tang Dynasty in China. He served as the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty, known by his temple name Gaozu. Li Yuan played a significant role in uniting China after the Sui Dynasty and establishing the Tang Dynasty, which went on to be one of the most prosperous periods in Chinese history.

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