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Q: What was the first fort built by the British in Georgia?
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Name of the British fort built to protect the colony of Georgia?

fort king George

What happened in Georgia on 1721?

In the year 1721, the British built the Fort King George settlement in Georgia. In 1732, trustees declared Savannah the first settlement.

What was the name of the first british fort constructed in Georgia?

fort santa catalina

On which Georgia water way was the fort built?

The water way fort was built in the Northwest.

What British fort in the Ohio River Valley built to defend British troops during the first battle of the French and Indian War?

Fort Necessity

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What was name of first fort made by Britishers in India?

Fort William is located in India. The fort was built by the British and it was named after King William III in 1700.

Who built fort duquesne?

Fort Duquesne was built in 1754 and was controlled by New France. On November 25, 1758, the Forbes Expedition captured the site for the British. The British then built a much bigger fort and called it Fort Pitt.

When did France attack Fort Presque Isle?

France did not attack Fort Presque Isle. The first Fort Presque Isle was built by the French, and burnt by them when they left the area after the British victory at the Battle of Fort Niagara. The second Fort Presque Isle was built by the British. It was attacked by Native American Tribes on June 19, 1763 and captured after two days. The British surrendered, but were all killed when they came out of the fort. [Information from Wikipedia]

When was the roman vindolanda buit?

The first fort at vidolanda was built about 85ADThe first Roman fort at Vindolanda was built about 85ADThe first Roman fort at Vindolanda was built about 85AD

Who built Fort Vancouver?

Fort Vancouver was built by the British Hudson's Bay Company in 1825 as a fur trading post. It was never a military fort.

What English fort opposed fort duquesne?

fort necessity,built by the the british to go against the french