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Q: What was the first civilization to develop a real sense of history?
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Related questions

Which is the first sense to be fully developed?

The sense of touch is the first sense to be fully developed in humans. It begins to develop in the womb and is already functional at birth.

Is neanderthals a civilization?

Neanderthals were not a civilization in the traditional sense. They were a species of archaic humans who lived in Europe and parts of Asia around 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. Neanderthals had their own unique culture and tools but did not develop a complex civilization like modern humans.

What is the value of studying the history?

it is important to study history to educate others who do not know as much. history also provides unique insight into human nature and human civilization. It also fun in studying history, because it provides excitement of exploration and discovery with the sense of reward born of succesfully confronting and making sense sense of cmplex and challenging problems.

What is the first sense to develop in a fetus?

In the womb the first sense developed is Touch. It happens at about the 8th gestational week. Far earlier than the sense of hearing that develops around the 22nd gestational week.

What develops first in a baby hearing or sight?

Hearing. Sight is actually the last sense to develop.

How would you develop the sense of patriotism?

You can develop a sense of patriotism by learning about your country's history, values, and achievements. Engage in civic activities, volunteer in your community, and participate in events that celebrate your country. Show respect for the flag, national symbols, and the people who serve your country.

What is the last sense to develop?

The sense of sight is typically the last sense to fully develop in newborns, with babies generally beginning to have clear vision around six months of age.

What has the author Helmut Ostermeyer written?

Helmut Ostermeyer has written: 'Die Revolution der Vernunft' -- subject(s): Common sense, Modern Civilization, Social history, Social problems

The Chinese developed a sense of superiority because of their?

long history, advanced civilization, and emphasis on Confucian values such as filial piety, respect for authority, and moral integrity.

What is the kerma civilization?

Kerma is an ancient civilization,located in modern day Sudan, that predates ancient Egypt. This city is important in the perspective of history because it refutes much of the previous historical information written about Africans of sub-saharan origin; particularly in the sense of them not being able to reach levels of civilization without the assistance of foreigners.

Is it correct to say 'To develop in pupils a sense of sharing'?

Yes, it is correct to say "To develop in pupils a sense of sharing" if you want to convey that the goal is to cultivate a spirit of sharing among the students.

What is the last sense to develop in Evolutionary development?

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