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General US Grant's first assignment in the US Civil War was in Missouri. In September of 1861 Grant took command of the Southeast Missouri District.

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Q: What was the first assignment for General US Grant in the US Civil War?
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What man emerged as the leading union general in the west during the first years of the civil war?

The little-known U.S. Grant - with much of the credit initially going to his commanding General, Henry Halleck.

What US Civil War general was the first general to die in that war?

Confederate General Robert Seldon Garnett was the first general from either side to die in the US Civil War. He was killed shortly after the Battle of Rich Mountain in 1861.

What were the beginning and ending years of the Civil War?

On the 12th of April, 1861, the first shots were fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This sparked the conflict that came to be known as The Civil War.On April 9th, 1865, the Civil War ended at Appomattox courthouse when General Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.

How did Ulysses S. Grant win the election of 1868?

Ulysses S. Grant won the vote due to the black voters, which numbered above 700,000. It was the first election in which African Americans were allowed to vote, and since Grant was a very popular Union General who helped to secure a win for the North and end slavery, the vote was his for the taking.

What were the first two problems confronting Union General US Grant faced prior to the US Civil War Battle of Cold Harbor?

Union General US Grant had two problems regarding the US Civil War Battle of Cold Harbor before his planned assault even took place. One problem was one he himself created. First it was a day late, giving the Confederates to bolster their defenses. The second problem was that Union generals US grant and General Meade, had not bothered to properly scout the Rebel's positions, therefore not fully understanding where they were concentrated and where they were not. These came to be key factors in the Union's defeat at Cold Harbor in 1864.

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When did General US Grant first begin his battlefield experience?

US Civil War General US Grant began his career and battlefield experience in the Mexican American War. His first post was at Corpus Christi, Texas.

Which man emerged as the leading union general in the west in the first years of the civil war?

Ulysses S. Grant

Who was the general that led the union during the civil war?

First McClellan, then Burnside, then Hooker, and finally U.S. Grant

Who was the first general of the union army during the civil war?

The first General in Chief of the Union Army was Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott.

What civil war general went on to become the president of the US?

The first one was Grant. But there were also Garfield, Benjamin Harrison and McKinley.

Who was the general for the northern states?

The Commanding General of the Union Army during the US Civil War was General U.S. Grant. He was not the first commander of these forces, but he was appointed by Presedent Lincoln to command the U.S. forces prior to the end of the war. General Grant later became the 18th U.S. President.

What famous general captured the first and last battle flag of the civil war and was given the table on which general lee and general grant signed the peace treaty at appomattox court house on april A?

General George Armstrong Custer

What statement best describes Ulysses S. Grant?

Ulysses S. Grant was one of the great generals of all time. He was the winning general of the American Civil War, graciously taking the sword of General Robert E. Lee in surrender. Enormously popular after the war, Grant ran for and was elected president. Unfortunately, his popularity did not extend throughout his presidency.

What wars was general Ulysses S. Grant in?

Grant was most famous as the victorious commander of all union armies at the end of the Civil War. He also served in the Mexican War. rising to the rank of first lieutenant.

What man emerged as the leading union general in the west during the first years of the civil war?

The little-known U.S. Grant - with much of the credit initially going to his commanding General, Henry Halleck.

What did Ulysses S. Grant become first president of the us or general of the union states?

He was a General in the U.S. Army during the American Civil War. Later after Lincoln and Johnson he was elected for two terms as President.