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Q: What was the first artifact of Harappan civilization found by archaeologists?
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How many years after the decline of harappan civilization was India first united?

1600 years

What is the difference between Aryan and Harappan government?

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300-1300 BCE; mature period 2600-1900 BCE) located in the western region[1] ofSouth Asia,[2] and spread over what are now Pakistan, northwest India, and eastern Afghanistan.[3] Flourishing in the Indus River basin, the civilization[n 1]extended east into the Ghaggar-Hakra River valley[7] and the upper reaches Ganges-Yamuna Doab;[8][9] it extended west to the Makran coast ofBalochistan and north to northeastern Afghanistan. The civilization was spread over some 1,260,000 km², making it the largest ancient civilization.The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as the Harappan Civilization, as the first of its cities to be unearthed was located at Harappa, excavated in the 1920s in what was at the time the Punjab province of British India (now in Pakistan).[10] Excavation of Harappan sites has been ongoing since 1920, with important breakthroughs occurring as recently as 1999.[11] There were earlier and later cultures, often called Early Harappan and Late Harappan, in the same area of the Harappan Civilization.

Why is the harappan civilization also called harappan culture?

Because Punjab Province rules the pakistan and harrapa is in Punjab Provicne thats why they promote harrappa otherwise 70% of indus valley sites including Moenjodaro are in Sindh and Balochistan Province

The Indus Valley civilization was known for its?

Earliest known south Asian writing system. Pre-planned cities with running water and sewage systems Earliest known port (at Lothal, India) Earliest known agricultural field Trade with Mesopotamia and Egypt

what are three achievements of the harappan civilization?

They were among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures. Their building bricks were very uniform... 2.This was the first civilization to incorporate urban sanitation systems. Personal hygiene seems to have been a high... 3.Their art was highly advanced. Terracotta, steatite and bronze human and animal figurines with...

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What was India first civilization?

the harappan civilization

What civilization along the Indus river was India's first civilization?

The Harappan

Why is the early civilization of India called Harappan?

Because one of the first cities was called Harappa.

Was the harappan civilization develope before or after the sumerian and egyptian civilization?

Civilization first developed in the Indus River valley in present-day Pakistan called Harappan after its chief city, rivals Sumer and Egypt as humanity's.

How many years after the decline of harappan civilization was India first united?

1600 years

Why was the indus river important to ancient India?

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization, which was centred mostly in the western part of the Indian Subcontinent, and which flourished around the Indus river basin. Primarily centered along the Indus and the Punjab region, the civilization extended into the Ghaggar-Hakra River valley, and the Ganges-Yamuna Doab river valley, encompassing most of what is now Pakistan. The Civilization is split into two parts, the Mehrgarh and the Harappan Civilizations, which are further sud-divided into Mehrgarh I and II, from 7,000 Bc to 3,300 BC. The Harappan Civilization is sub-divided into Early, Mature and Late Civilization. Early Harappan from 3,300 BC to 2,600 BC, further sub divided into Harappan 1, 3,330 to 2,800BC and Harappan 2, 2,800 to 2,600, BC. Mature Harappan from 2,600BC to 1,900BC. Further divided into Harappan 3A, 2,600 BC to 2,450BC. Harappan 3B, 2,450BC to 2,200BC. Harappan 3C, 2,200BC to 1,900BC. Late Harappan from 1,900BC to 1,300BC. Further divided into Harappan 4, 1,900BC to 1700 BC. Harappan 5, 1,700BC to 1,300 BC. From 1,300 BC to 300BC, there is still evidence of a IVC, but it was very regional, and nothing like the main civilizations mentioned above.

Who were the rulers of the indus valley civilization?

The first rulers of the Indus valley civilization bear the name of the first city it has been excavated at the first quarter of the 20th century at Harappa and the civilization was named Harappan Civilization. It goes as back as the Bronze Age [2600 BCE]

What are facts about the Indus River Valley government?

The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as the Harappan Civilization, after Harappa, the first of its sites to be excavated in the 1920s, in what was then the Punjab province of British India, and is now in Pakistan.

What is the indus river valley known as?

The Indus River Valley civilization, also known as the Harappan civilization after the first site of their discovery, is a Bronze Age culture that spanned roughly from 3300 to 1300 BC.

Where did the first civilization develop in india?

India's first civilization was in the Indus Valley which is located in modern day Pakistan and northwestern India. The Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan civilization) was a Bronze Age civilization that began around 3300 BCE and was one of three early civilizations in the Old World, along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

What is the difference between Aryan and Harappan government?

The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300-1300 BCE; mature period 2600-1900 BCE) located in the western region[1] ofSouth Asia,[2] and spread over what are now Pakistan, northwest India, and eastern Afghanistan.[3] Flourishing in the Indus River basin, the civilization[n 1]extended east into the Ghaggar-Hakra River valley[7] and the upper reaches Ganges-Yamuna Doab;[8][9] it extended west to the Makran coast ofBalochistan and north to northeastern Afghanistan. The civilization was spread over some 1,260,000 km², making it the largest ancient civilization.The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as the Harappan Civilization, as the first of its cities to be unearthed was located at Harappa, excavated in the 1920s in what was at the time the Punjab province of British India (now in Pakistan).[10] Excavation of Harappan sites has been ongoing since 1920, with important breakthroughs occurring as recently as 1999.[11] There were earlier and later cultures, often called Early Harappan and Late Harappan, in the same area of the Harappan Civilization.

Why is the harappan civilization also called harappan culture?

Because Punjab Province rules the pakistan and harrapa is in Punjab Provicne thats why they promote harrappa otherwise 70% of indus valley sites including Moenjodaro are in Sindh and Balochistan Province