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the Portuguese

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Q: What was the first European country to establish a trading post in china?
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Who was the first European country to establish a presence in China?

Portugal was the first European power to claim Chinese land when it set up a port in Macao.

Who is china's main trading partner?

The European Union is China's largest trading partner as of 2013. The United States and Japan are also significant trading partners with China.

What was china and American relations?

china as and is a main trading country.

When did the Romans establish trading posts in India and China?

Roman trade with India and China started around 30 BC.

Which is the first European nation to establish formal diapolmatic relations with China?


Which European nationality was the first to establish a land route to china?

marco polo

The first European nation to establish formal diplomatic relations with china was?


Is the European union the main trading partner for Africa?

Somewhat. Africa's main trading partners are the US, Europe, and China.

Which country establish formal diplomatic relations with chine from the first European nation?

The first European nation to establish formal diplomatic relations with China was Portugal. In 1511 Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquered Malacca, Malaysia and sent several diplomatic missions east. It was not until May 1513 that one of these Portugal envoys reached China.

What company began trading opium to china?

I think you meant to ask: What country began trading opium with china? The answer to that is: England. They trade opium with china in return for tea.

Is China an European country?

No, its in west asia

Which country did Mao Zedong establish?

The People's Republic of China