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Q: What was the first Caribbean island to gain independnce?
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What was the first Caribbean island to gain independance?

The first island is Haiti in 1804, then Cuba in 1902, the Jamaica (first British colony) in 1962

What country did Jamaica gain it's independnce from?

the bristish

Which was the frist country in the Caribbean to gain independence?

Haiti,a Caribbean island under French rule, was the first country in Latin America to gain independence.

Who did we gain our independnce from?

If you are an American, you got your independence from Great Britain.

What First Caribbean colony to gain its freedom from France?

first caribbean country to gain freedom from france

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Which Caribbean country first got independence?

Haiti was the first Caribbean country to gain independence, achieving freedom from France on January 1, 1804.

Was Panama the first country in the Latin American and Caribbean regions to gain its independence?

no belize was

Was Mexico the first country in the latin America and Caribbean regions to gain its independence?

No. Haiti qualifies as such.

What island was the first to gain independence?

The first island is Haiti in 1804, then Cuba in 1902, the Jamaica (first British colony) in 1962

Is Jamaica a free country?

Yes. It gained independence from Great Britain in 1962, having been a British colony since 1655.

Where did immigrants first set foot in the new world to gain entry?

Ellis Island