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Q: What was the final peace offer sent by the second contential congress to king George?
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Meeting in Philadelphia about the olive branch petition?

The Second Continental Congress produced the document inended to avoid open warfare with Great Britain in May of 1775. The firs draft was written by Thomas Jefferson and the final document was edited by John Dickinson. King George III rejected it.

What were compromises me at the second Continental Congress?

The second Continental Congress made several key compromises. The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt at reconciliation with Britain, while the Declaration of Independence was a compromise between those seeking complete independence and those favoring reconciliation. The Congress also established the Continental Army and appointed George Washington as its commander-in-chief. Additionally, they approved the Articles of Confederation as a governing framework for the new United States.

Was the articles of confederation the final act of the second continental congress?

No, In accordance with President Washington's directions, "the books, records, and papers of the late Congress, the Great Seal of the federal union, and the Seal of the admiralty" were delivered over to Roger Alden, deputy secretary of the new Congress, who had been designated by President Washington as custodian for the time being. This marked the last act of the Continental congress.

When and where did baseball player George Stultz play?

George Stultz debuted on September 22, 1894, playing for the Boston Beaneaters at South End Grounds II / Congress Street Grounds / South End Grounds III; he played his final game on September 22, 1894, playing for the Boston Beaneaters at South End Grounds II / Congress Street Grounds / South End Grounds III.

When was the final draft of the Declaration presented to Congress?

On September 17, 1787, the final draft of the Constitution was signed by congress. The new constitution was then sent to the states for ratification, and became effective on June 21, 1788.

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Was the approval of the Declaration of Independence the final act of the second Continental Congress?

Yes it was.

Was the approval of declaration of independence the final act of the Second Continental Congress?

Yes it was.

What was the outcome of the second continental congress?

The outcome of the Second Continental Congress was that the King rejected the Olive Branch petition and the fighting continued. The Declaration of Independence soon made it clear that the colonies desired to throw off British rule.

Meeting in Philadelphia about the olive branch petition?

The Second Continental Congress produced the document inended to avoid open warfare with Great Britain in May of 1775. The firs draft was written by Thomas Jefferson and the final document was edited by John Dickinson. King George III rejected it.

What do Richard Henry Lee and the Declaration of Independence and the Second Continental Congress have in common?

Richard Henry Lee was a delgate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress. He proposed a resolution that America declare its independence from Great Britain. On July 2, 1772, the Second continental Congrees adopted that resolution and 2 days later adopted the final form of the Declaration of Independence.

What were compromises me at the second Continental Congress?

The second Continental Congress made several key compromises. The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt at reconciliation with Britain, while the Declaration of Independence was a compromise between those seeking complete independence and those favoring reconciliation. The Congress also established the Continental Army and appointed George Washington as its commander-in-chief. Additionally, they approved the Articles of Confederation as a governing framework for the new United States.

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After a bill passes both Houses of Congress it goes to the President for the final signature.

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What did the second continental congress declare?

The Second Continental Congress had three chief activities that they had to approve. First, they had to prosecute war. This entailed attempting to fund and supply an army. They requested assistance from the colonies and individuals such as Robert Morris, who funded the Navy. Then congress attempted to find foreign allies sympathetic to their cause. To achieve thus they needed to have diplomatic recognition. However, to achieve this diplomatic recognition they had to representative of a new nation. This led to the second activity that this congress approved, the Declaration of Independence. Once the Independence was proclaimed French, Dutch and Spanish forces allied themselves with the new born nation and aided in the revolution. A new problem arose out of the becoming independent. Having formed a new government congress needed to approve a third and final thing. Rules for the newly independent United States needed to be written. The Constitution for the new government was written and approved by that congress.

Would the president have the final say on how much of the national budget would be spent on a new missile?

no. Congress has the final say on appropriations. If the President wants a new missile, he has to lobby for it. He has ways to exert pressure on Congress, but the final decision is theirs.