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No taxation without representation

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Q: What was the famous cry of protest for the stamp act?
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What is Paul Revere's famous cry?

The British are coming!The British are coming!

A famous battle cry of the Texans in the war against the Mexicans in 1836?

"Remember the Alamo!"

What was the reaction of the townshend act?

America did not like the taxes. Owen said, "Taxation without representation is tyranny." That cry went through the colonies. The kings IRS were killed. And the act was repealed.

When did the sugar begin and end?

I am assuming you mean the Sugar Act. American importers were not paying the excessively high duty that had been placed on Sugar (molasses) by the Molasses Act of 1733. They found it cheaper to pay bribes of a penny or so per gallon, to the customs collectors. When George Grenville became Prime Minister, he had Parliament overhaul the old act with a new Sugar Act, 1764. The new act lowered the tax on sugar entering the colonies, but it also created a new system for enforcing the act, making sure that the lowered duties would be collected. In New England, where molasses was a major trade item used in making various drinks as well as a sweetener, there was immediate concern. A Boston town meeting declared that the city would boycott (not purchase) all British imports to that colony. Other New England cities, including New York, followed Boston’s lead. American Colonists granted Parliament the right to regulate trade but the colonists declared that the Sugar Act was an attempt to raise money in the colonies, something that colonists believed only colonial legislatures could do. They pointed to the official title of the Sugar Act--The American Revenue Act of 1764. Hence, the Americans, for perhaps the first time, raised the cry that they could not be taxed by a political body that did not represent them. They elected representatives to their assemblies, but not to Parliament. The cry, “No taxation without representation” would become a rallying cry for those favoring independence. In 1766, the British government reduced the duty on sugar to one penny (what had been the “traditional” bribe), and protest in New England began to subside.

What is the past particular form of cry?

The past tense of cry is cried.

Related questions

What phrase in the declaration refers to Stamp Act?

The phrase "For imposing taxes on us without our consent:"This is from the now famous taxation without representation cry.

What was a popular protest cry by the colonists?

no taxation, without representation representation

What does Act on Que mean?

to act as soon as they say action for example if i say i can cry on que, when you say cry i can start to cry

What was the cry of taxation without representation was led on by the?

it was lead on by the stamp acts.

What word comes from translating a French word to English as 'to cry out'?

"Crier" and "cry" are words that come from translating a French word to English as "to cry out." The French verb crier in turn comes from the Vulgar Latin crītāre and ultimately from the ancient Latin quirītāre for "to cry out in protest" or "to make a public cry."

Is cry a noun?

Yes, "cry" can be a noun, referring to the act of shedding tears or making a loud sound expressing pain, distress, or other strong emotions.

Is cry a preposition?

No, "cry" is not a preposition. It is a verb that describes the action of producing tears or emotional sound.

How do you act like you had your heart brocken?

Act really sad and from time to time cry!

What is the noun form of word cry?

The word 'cry' is a noun form as a word for the act or sound of crying as in 'to have a good cry', and as a word for the call of an animal 'the cry of a crow'.The noun forms of the verb to cry are crier and the gerund, crying.

What battle cry inspired Sam Houston to defeat the Mexican Army?

"Remember the Alamo" is the famous battle cry.

Any famous people that have cat cry syndrome?

nooooooooooooooooooo Ashley petruccio does she is a famous singer

In Doctor Who is Exterminate the Daleks' in famous war cry?