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Q: What was the family relationship between Cortes and Pizarro?
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What was the difference between Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro?

Pizarro fought the Incas, but Cortes fought against the Aztecs.

Who was a Hernando Cortes relatives?

Hernan Cortes had various family members, including his father Martin Cortes and his mother Catalina Pizarro Altamirano. He also had several siblings, such as Catalina, Martin, and Juana. Cortes himself was married to Catalina Suarez Marcaida.

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Who is Hernando Cortes's family?

His mom was Catalina Pizzaro; dad Martin Cortes; wife Maria Cortes; Francsco Pizzaro cousin.

Is Hernando Cortes related to Francisco Pizarro?

Yes, they were. It was very distant, but they both shared the ancestors Teresa Martinez Pizarro and Fernando Alonso de Hinojosa. You can compare the family trees here: and here:

Was hernan Cortes born in a wealthy family?

No, Hernan Cortes was not born into a wealthy family. He was born in Medellin, Spain in 1485 into a family of lesser nobility, but they were not particularly wealthy. Cortes later gained wealth and power through his conquests in the Americas.

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