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Q: What was the factory act in Victorian times?
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chimney cleaning, mining , factory works.

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In Victorian times what year was the education act brought in?

The Education Reform Act during the Victorian Period was brought into English education legislature in 1988.

What time did you have to wake up in Victorian times to go to the factory?

Between 4:30 and 5:30

How much did Victorian factory workers get paid?

A typical wage for male factory workers in the Victorian era was about 15 shillings a week. Female factory workers earned about 7 shillings a week.

What were the wages of being a factory owner in Victorian England?

Factory owners did not take wages, they took the profits of the factory.

Who reigned in Victorian times?

Victoria reigned in Victorian times.

In victorian times did they have guns?

yes they did have shotguns in Victorian times.

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what were beaches like in the Victorian times? what did they do

What were the fashions like in the Victorian times?

The Crinoline was the fashion in Victorian Times.

What happended in Victorian times?

Victorian things ;)

What was it like in a Victorian factory?

It was dirty,tiring and really hard.