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The closure of theaters

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Q: What was the eventual effect of Puritanism on the theatres?
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What does it mean to be puritanism?

To be puritanism is to be a group of English Protests that form in the 16th century to bring religious reform.

What was the effect of the Napolenic wars?

The eventual defeat of Napoleon and the return of Louis XVIII to the throne of France.

Why was the first theater built?

The first theatres which were open were built during the barbarian times to effect executions as public warnings. Theatres then became terraced amphi theatres such as the Rome's Collesium where cruel games of lesser blood and gore between man and beast were conducted till one's death. Proper theatres for staging plays existed during the time of Sophocles.

Is Rosa Parks Related to Puritanism?

Puritanism spawned several different denominations as outgrowths and detractors, Baptist were one of these.

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The primary effect of Spain's seeking a western route to Asia was the discovery of the Americas and the eventual European conquest of them.

Who founded puritanism?

No one person was responsible for the founding of Puritanism. The puritans began in the early 17th century as an offshoot of Swiss Calvinism.

Is puritanism capitalized?

Yes, Puritanism is capitalized because it refers to a specific religious movement and ideology that originated in 16th-century England.

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Who is the founder of Puritanism?

John Calvin?

Why did Puritanism migrate to America?

for freedom

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