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Julius Caesar was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy planned by forty Roman senators.

The main motive of the assassination is commonly presumed to be the declaration of Caesar as dictator of Rome. The senators, who feared that Caesar would overthrow Rome's partial democracy in favor of a tyrannical Dictatorship, planned the conspiracy and stabbed Caesar to death twenty-three times.

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Julius Caesar was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy planned by forty Roman senators.

The main motive of the assassination is commonly presumed to be the declaration of Caesar as dictator of Rome. The senators, who feared that Caesar would overthrow Rome's partial democracy in favor of a tyrannical Dictatorship, planned the conspiracy and stabbed Caesar to death twenty-three times.

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Q: What was the event leading to Julius Caesar's death?
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Julius Caesar events leading to death?

The sentators feared he was getting to obsessed with his own importance. The senators were jealous of his powers. He wanted to become king, some said. If he became king, this meant the end of the republic

What event left Rome without a leader?

Julius Caesar's death left Rome without a leaderbut after a little bit Augustus came into play and made some great changes to Rome.

What events and circumstances brought the roman republic to the end?

The event is Julius Ceaser

Who of the following events marked the end of roman republic?

On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.

What event and circumstances brought the roman republic to an end?

When Octavian was given emperorship and named Augustus, the Roman Republic ended.

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What was the main event that happened after Julius Caesars death?

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What event left rome with no leader?

Julius ceazers death

In Shakespeare play Julius Caesar What event of Caesars career immediately preceded the plays actions?

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Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.

Julius Caesar events leading to death?

The sentators feared he was getting to obsessed with his own importance. The senators were jealous of his powers. He wanted to become king, some said. If he became king, this meant the end of the republic

What is an event leading up to jesus death?

Luke 24:36 Yelled in a loud voice, Father, into your hands I give my spirit

What the climax of the story of Julius Caesar?

The climax of the story of Julius Caesar is the assassination of Caesar by a group of Roman senators, including Brutus and Cassius, in Act 3, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar." This event marks a turning point in the play, leading to a series of civil wars and ultimately the fall of the conspirators.

What event left Rome without a leader?

Julius Caesar's death left Rome without a leaderbut after a little bit Augustus came into play and made some great changes to Rome.

How would you write three events?

You could translate Julius Caesar: Event 1: I came Event 2: I saw Event 3: I conquered.

What event happened on the Ides of March?

Roman senators killed Julius Caesar

What events and circumstances brought the roman republic to the end?

The event is Julius Ceaser

What events and circumstances brought Roman republic to an end?

The event is Julius Ceaser