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London was quite the place in Elizabethan England. It was very rowdy and dirty. When people went to a play they weren't sitting and watching it. There were 3 levels in the theater. The bottom floor was for men only and they stood during a play. Very few listened to the play since they were shoving each other, shouting, and moving around. Ladies sold Oranges. The second level had couples and they were able to sit, but, they too, were not listening to the play ( this is one reason Shakespeare had to have witches and murder in his plays). The couples were mainly men who took their mistress out for the night. The final and third level were ladies working. They worked the crowd of men on the bottom floor. All in all the theater was a stinky ( no one washed, tallow candles gave off rancid smoke) rowdy place. Ale houses were also popular and some coffee houses also opened. People would also view the hangings at the Tower of London as a past time. Horse races were popular as well. Boating was done on the river if a person was wealthy enough to own a barge for pleasure ( like the queen) and as a means of going up or down river.

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They sung, dance and bear fighting (they placed bets on who would win)

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Q: What was the entertainment in London like in Shakespeare's time?
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