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Register for the draft; be a able bodied male. For certain men and certain criminal justice proceedings, Judges often gave a man a man a choice: Army or Prison. Many a man serving in the Vietnam War, were there because a Judge gave him a second chance. Some men may have blown that second chance, but many more didn't, and came out the better for it.

Another class of enlistees during the war were men that enlisted into the Army/Air National Guards, US Coast Guard, US Navy or US Air Force. These enlistments were done more often than not to avoid service in the Marines or Army. And there were waiting lists to join those services. You'd put your name on a clip board and when a vacancy occurred (a man's enlistment was up, transfer, etc.) you could enter that branch of service. The catch was, joining those services required more than two years of active duty, usually 3 or 4 years...the Guard required 6 years of active uniformed drills. But if they went Army or Marines they could enlist for just two years...but then they were gambling...a good chance of going to Vietnam.

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The draft age was 18-45 years old

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Q: What was the enlistment age during the Vietnam War?
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Since the youngest age for legal enlistment was 17 at the time of the Vietnam War, one could postulate that the birth date of the "youngest" Vietnam Veteran could have been January 1st, 17 years previous to the last date on which US troops were in Vietnam. That day would have been the day the US Embassy was evacuated after Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese Army. However, there have always been men who enlisted by falsification of their age. This was more common in World War Two, but there are cases during Vietnam where a soldier managed to get through Basic Training and Advanced Individual training before being discovered. Also, the Mayaguez Incident is considered part of the Vietnam War, so you should also consider the US Marines and US Air Force personnel who served in that short conflict.

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