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Q: What was the economic reason for colonists to settle WilmingtonNorth Carolina?
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What was the reason for founding South Carolina?

The purpose of South Carolina is for colonists to move there for religious freedom.

What was the reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists?

The reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists was due to debt. Britain had taken on much debt to help the colonists and they were trying to recover some of the funds.

What best describes the reason the colonists signed the mayflower act?

The colonists wanted to create a system to govern the colony :)

If given the voices of discontented colonists and the political and economic realities of the colonists after the French and Indian war was the revolutionary war inevitable?

At the conclusion (in 1763) of the French/Indian War on the North American continent, tensions between the colonists and their British overlords increased due to economic pressures imposed by Great Britain and a surging self-confidence (and sense of independence) on the part of the colonists themselves. The Revolutionary War was not, however, inevitable as a result -- and for one reason alone: these tensions calmed through a conscious decision on the part of Great Britain's government to rescind the pressure-causing economic measures. Some years later, Great Britain again (under the moderate guidance of Lord North in Parliament) backed off from controversial economic measures. It would take more than economics-generated pressures to instigate the War of Independence.

What was the main reason that the colonists were protesting?

The fundamental reason the colonists revolted was taxation without representation.

Related questions

Why did the colonists settle?

for religious reasons or for jobsANSWER:The main reason for the colony of North Carolina, was for agriculture.The main reasons for the colony of South Carolina, was for agriculture and trade.

What was the reason for founding South Carolina?

The purpose of South Carolina is for colonists to move there for religious freedom.

What economic conditions in England contributed to the reasons why the colonists moved to the new world?

the reason why the people of europe wanted to move was based on religouse views

Why do people visit South Carolina?

The first reason Colonists came to South Carolina was because they had no other choice. There was a huge storm at sea and the Colonists that were supposed to land near Massachusetts were forced to find the shore farther south.

What economic reason did the colonist have for their protest?

In the latter half of the 18th century, the American colonists did indeed have economic reasons for their protests against the British home-government. Just one particular reason was this: they suffered from a series of taxation-acts from the 1750s onward that they considered to be oppressive and otherwise inappropriate.

What is one reason colonists came to America?

- Freedom- Political liberty- Religious freedom- Economic Opportunity- Practice their religion- Escape persecution-------------------------------------------------------The common textbook answer is that the colonists came to America in search of religious freedom.

Did the colonists have a reason to rebel against the british policies?

yes they had reason to rebel

What was the reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists?

The reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists was due to debt. Britain had taken on much debt to help the colonists and they were trying to recover some of the funds.

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Was the fundamental reason the colonists revolted was because of government?

Correct, they had no representation in government.

What best describes the reason the colonists signed the mayflower act?

The colonists wanted to create a system to govern the colony :)

Who is economic theory was first proposed during the American Revolution?

Part of the reason the American colonists fought the Revolutionary War was because they were being taxed by Britain without representation in Parliament. Their motto was "No Taxation without Representation. "