The SS (Schutzstaffel, German for "Protective Squadron")was the primary bodyguard of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party's "Shield Squadron" much like the Praetorian Guard of the Roman Empire. In 1936 under the command of Heinrich Himmler, it expanded and was responsible for the operations of the Concentration Camps and eliminating "enemies of the state" (Communists, Jews etc.)
The SA (Sturmabteilung, German for "Stormtroopers") also referred to as "Brownshirts", were Hitler's paramilitaries and were of key importance in Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s. With Ernst Röhm in command they often made attacks and raids on other political parties, particularly the communists and during elections they would surround the building to intimidate the voters to vote for the Nazis. They murdered political opponents and terrorized voters.
In June 1934 Hitler had Röhm and the SA purged and its role reduced. It was largely superseded by the SS.
what the difference between ss316 and ss316l
SS 307 (SS) Stainless Steal (307) Composition of steal
SS and SA
The entire German army during his dictatorship along with the SS and the Gestapo and the SA in Hitler's early years
The Wehrmacht was the regular German army during World War II, while the SS (Schutzstaffel) was a paramilitary organization under the control of the Nazi Party. The Wehrmacht focused on traditional military operations, while the SS was responsible for enforcing Nazi ideology, carrying out atrocities, and running concentration camps.
what the difference between ss316 and ss316l
what is difference between mild steel and stainless steel
no difference except the name
SS 307 (SS) Stainless Steal (307) Composition of steal
well the SA helped to get Hitler elected and the SS did the 'dirty work'.
4 hours
As in Most SS cars, (which is short for Super Sport) There will be an SS badge on the radiator grille. Also, which should go with saying, the SS version has a higher performance.
the ss stands for super sport and rs stands for rally sport ... z28 .... your guess is as good as mine , ss is the best in my eyes .
There is no H770-sst just the H770-SS which has a SST tank assembly.
asdaas ss a sa
The SS did not exist in WW1. The SS arose out of the SA. Hitler killed the leader of the SA and got rid of the SA overnight (The Night of the Knives) and created his own police which guarded him and policed the regime - hence the Gestapo.
w is related to material.during to manufacture it should be warm.