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Q: What was the department of munitions and supplies in World War 2?
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In which war did the federal Department of Labor ensure there were enough workers to make necessary supplies for American troops?

During World War I, the federal Department of Labor ensured there were enough workers to make necessary supplies for American troops.

What does the commissary department do in the Civil War?

It supplies food to the people at war

Where bombs weremade during World War 2?

In munitions factories.

What colors would a munitions worker in world war 2?

some color

What did the government do to ensure that indutries produced enough war materials?

The government worked hard during World War II to ensure that industries produced enough war materials. Specifically, regular factories all over the country were converted to airplane, war supplies, or munitions manufacturing centers.

Who was Canada's minister of munitions during World War 2?

C. D. Howe .

What supplies did World War 1 and World War 2 use of living conditions?

Supplies of living conditions

What did the lend-lease program do?

It provided the Allies with supplies and weapons.

What did Canada export during the world war?

Munitions (went to having one munitions factory to 600 in WW1), wheat (provided by the agricultural provinces) and meat (mainly beef).

What did a munition do in World War 2?

Munitions included ammunition, clothing weapons and all things needed for a war to run smoothly.

What were the role on women in World War 1?

Woman were involved in many different tasks during World War One they nursed, and aided in munitions production and transportation.